Gaia, Proprietress: The Brokerage House
I am a silver broker - arranging shipments and across the discovered regions of Gor. These Brokerage House transactions can take me to the Plains of Turia or the far reaches of the Ua. Within those travels, I can be found to be obsessed with collecting pearls of every color, and acquiring only the rarest and most unknown gems for my clients. If you have something special in mind, I can likely be persuaded to hunt it down for the right motivation.
All inventory is securely stowed and guarded at all times by two brawny men guardsmen peasants, well-versed in both longbow and sword, bound to my service for reasons that remain confidential.
The woman herself is a greater mystery, the layers only revealed with time, trust and immense patience. After all, aren't most stories meant to be digested slowly?
When I am wearing veils, assorted poison pins and three small daggers are secreted within. When outside that fabric prison, my traveling clothes hide 2 small daggers, my pack contains 5 quiva within easy access.